
Please ask a Pharmacist (or another Healthcare Professional) for advice about treating your spots. We have Pharmacy-only spot treatment products which may be suitable in some cases, but you will need to get advice first to make sure they are right for you.For everyday skincare that's also suitable for acne-prone skin. these Purifide cleansers and moisturisers are available and are suitable to use alongside Acnecide spot treatments in the following routine:

Step 1


When you have active breakouts or are using spot treatment actives, we know your skin barrier's resilience and sensitivity can be put through its paces. Use this gentle, soothing cleanser morning and evening to cleanse your skin so it is prepped and ready to have your choice of treatment active applied. Nothing harsh or stripping, it respects your skin barrier.

Daily Cleanser


Step 2


Our Pharmacy-Only treatments may be used to treat mild-moderate acne on face chest or back, and are available (without prescription) on the advice of a Pharmacist or another Healthcare Professional. 

Step 3


Complete the routine with a balancing moisturiser to hydrate, soothe and protect your skin barrier. For day time it is recommended to use UV protection (and to avoid direct sunlight) while using Acnecide treatments as your skin can become more photosensitive. UV exposure during a breakout is also related to the formation of post-breakout dark marks and uneven skin tone. Purifide moisturisers are non-comedogenic: they don't cause blocked pores. 

Available online and instore
